During the first half of November 2024, MANN+HUMMEL presented the three IDEAL cluster projects they are involved in (K-HEALTHinAIR, INQUIRE and LEARN) at two relevant filtration events happening in Germany: IUTA Filtration Day and FILTECH, held in Duisburg on the 5th and in Cologne from the 12th to the 14th, respectively.
As a leading global company in filtration technology, MANN+HUMMEL is involved in these three projects, where it provides its expertise in air purification for cleaner indoor air.
IUTA Filtration Day 2024
IUTA, a research institute that works with universities and SMEs in the field of energy and environmental technology, organises its Filtration Day on a yearly basis. In this 15th edition, the event focused on ‘Filtration for good indoor air quality‘, including several presentations, followed by a panel discussion.
As part of that, Dr. Andreas Scope from MANN+HUMMEL presented some findings on healthier indoor air quality coming from the three IDEAL cluster projects K-HEALTHinAIR, INQUIRE, and the LEARN project, all of them funded under the Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation.
Andreas explained how each project is identifying and characterising sources of air pollutants. In particular, he exposed how the LEARN project is conducting cohorts at schools to characterise their indoor exposome with and without remediation strategies, find the optimal placement of an air purifier, and assess the children’s chemical exposure and impacts on their cognitive function.

FILTECH is the largest and most important filtration show worldwide. This year, it gathered 18,760 participants and 591 exhibitors from Europe and beyond.
The booth of MANN+HUMMEL at this exhibition displayed the three IDEAL cluster projects it is involved in (K-HEALTHinAIR, INQUIRE and LEARN), together with other three EU R&I projects the company takes part in (AeroSolfd, CORNERSTONE and H2MAC).