SynAir-G is excited to invite you to the second hybrid workshop of SynAir-G Series: Improving indoor air quality for healthier children!

SynAir-G is excited to invite you to the second hybrid workshop of SynAir-G Series: Improving indoor air quality for healthier children!

The workshop series aims to introduce and discuss the latest achievements of the SynAir-G project and highlight the importance of indoor air quality in schools, its impact on children’s wellbeing, and potential applications in Research and Development. The ultimate objective is to raise awareness of the importance of improving indoor air quality to ensure a safer environment for children. 

The second episode, titled ‘Improving Indoor Air Quality: SynAir-G Innovations and Policy Impact’ will tackle the challenging task of translating scientific findings into practical applications. This involves addressing political and operational challenges while exploring emerging solutions to improve indoor air quality and reduce its impact on children’s health. 

The main discussion will focus on the role of EU policies in reducing air pollutants in Europe, the status of IAQ national strategies in Greek schools, and present the preliminary results and innovative methodologies of the SynAir-G project. 

Prominent speakers and experts, including representatives from researchers, healthcare professionals, workers in the education sector, patients, EU representatives, IDEAL Cluster members, local authorities, will share their experiences, knowledge and perspectives on Indoor Air Quality. 

WHAT: Download the agenda HERE.

WHEN: 7 October 2024, 17:30 – 19:00 EEST | 16:30 – 18:00 CEST

WHERE: In-person & Online


History Museum of the University of Athens

Tholou 5, Plaka – 10556 Athens

Elias Krispis room


On Zoom (the link will be sent after registering)

HOW TO ATTEND: REGISTER HERE – Limited spots available to attend in person

Background information

The SynAir-G workshops are part of the WP7 – Data management, Guidelines, Dissemination and Exploitation, aiming at exchanging know-how and practices between partners and stakeholders to present the project and validate its impact indicators while gathering feedback and state-of-the-art advancements in the field of indoor air quality and its impact on health.

Target audience

The workshop is open to all the relevant stakeholders, including researchers, clinicians, SMEs, civil society, patients, local authorities and school workforce.

Do you want to read about the Episode 1 of the SynAir-G Series?

Read here.

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