The members of the advisory board has been appointed by all the projects composing the IDEAL cluster.

Argyrios Tzouvelekis

Argyrios Tzouvelekis

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In 2003, he graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece. From 2004-2008, he successfully completed his PhD studies in Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace. In 2004, he was granted with the European Respiratory Society Long Term Research Fellowship at Imperial College, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, London. From 2007 to 2012, he successfully completed my fellowship in Respiratory Medicine at the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. In October of 2013 he was awarded a fully-funded post-doctoral position at the Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, at Yale University. From 2016-2020 he was a Consultant Respiratory Physician at the Department of Respiratory Medicine in SOTIRIA General Hospital and a Marie Curie Respiratory Fellow. From May 2020 to currently he is an Associate Professor of Internal and Respiratory Medicine at the University of Patras, Greece and Head of the Department of Respiratory Medicine at the University Hospital of Patras, Greece as well as Associate Professor Adjunct at Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Department, Yale School of Medicine, USA. He is an Executive Officer-Internal Auditor of European Respiratory Society,  member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) College of Experts, official reviewer of ERS fellowships and Awards, mentor of ERS young scientists (ERS mentoring scheme), Associate Editor of Respiratory Research and Frontiers in Medicine. He currently enumerate 194 Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals in Pubmed,  (with an overall of more than 4500 citations and a total H-index=37-Scopus, and H-Index: 38, i-index: 61-Google Scholar), more than 100 presentations and lectures in national and international conferences and 30 grants and honors, including a) European Respiratory Society Long Term Research Fellowship and b) European Respiratory Society-Young Scientist Sponsorship and c) American Lung Association Senior Research Training Fellowship, d) an European Respiratory Society/Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. He is an Inventor of a therapeutic patent entitled “Inhaled or aerosolized delivery of thyroid hormone to the lung as a novel therapeutic agent in fibrotic lung diseases” OCR#6368 (the “Invention”), disclosed to Yale University. He is Associate Editor of Respiratory Research (IF: 7.1) and Frontiers in Medicine (IF: 5.1) and member of the editorial board of European Respiratory Journal (IF: 33.8).

Susanne Sophia Spiliotis

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Prof. Dr. Susanne Sophia Spiliotis, born 1965 in Munich, Germany, a historian and political scientist by training (Munich, Freiburg, Athens, Berlin), teaches cultural history of modern economy and politics at the University of Leipzig. As a self-employed communication consultant, she is a speech-writer for top politicians and representatives of civil society. Former occupations include project manager of European programs on Civil Society at the Berlin Social Science Center and Vice General Secretary of the German section of the International Chamber of Commerce. She is member of the Board of Trustees of the German Federal Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future” and consults the German ministry of finance on its Holocaust education funding program. Reacting to the Corona“-pandemic she initiated a platform of companies and scientific institutions promoting air cleaning technologies as a proper means of fostering unconditioned accessibility to public spaces and of focusing on socio-political ramifications of public health issues.

Sioutas Constantinos

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Dr. Constantinos Sioutas, Sc.D., is currently the first holder of the Fred Champion Professorship in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southern California (USC). Dr Sioutas received his undergraduate education in mechanical engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and came to the U.S. in the fall of 1986 as a Fulbright Foundation fellow. He received Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering and in Aerospace Engineering, both from the University of Minnesota. He worked as an Advanced Product Development Engineer for 3M for two years prior to continuing his doctoral studies at Harvard School of Public Health in the department of Environmental Engineering, where he received his Doctor of Science degree in 1994. He started his academic career in 1995 as an Assistant Professor of Aerosol Science at the Harvard, prior to joining the faculty of the University of Southern California (USC) in January 1998. Dr. Sioutas’s research has followed an integrated approach to the problem of the well-publicized and significant effects of particulate air pollution on health and the environment. His research has focused on investigations of the underlying mechanisms that produce the health effects associated with exposure to air pollutants He has developed many state-of-the-art technologies used by many academic institutions and national laboratories for aerosol sampling and characterization. During his faculty career, he has directed, as either a Principal or Co-Principal Investigator, some 70 research grants exceeding $55 million (USC’s share $24 million). He has authored 410 peer-reviewed journal publications, 5 book chapters and holds 14 U.S. patents in the development of instrumentation for aerosol measurement and emissions control. His published work has received over 43,000 citations (Hirsch index =105) according to Google Scholar; he is among the top 1% authors worldwide in Engineering according to the Institute of Scientific Information. Results from his publications have been used by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in their National Air Quality Criteria document in promulgating stricter air quality standards in the U.S. He has advised 23 Ph.D. students, and mentored 18 postdoctoral fellows at USC. Among his many distinctions, he is the recipient of the David Sinclair award for seminal research with the long-term impact in the field of aerosols (the highest distinction of the American Association for Aerosol Research), the Hagen Smit award of Atmospheric Environment for seminal publications, the 2010 Scientific and Technological Achievement Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and a trustee of his alma mater (the Aristotle Univ of Thessaloniki). 

Stylianos Kephalopoulos

Stylianos Kephalopoulos

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Dr. Stylianos Kephalopoulos is scientific officer of the European Commission since 1993. He works for the DG Joint Research Centre’s Directorate ‘Health & Food’, F.7 – Digital Health Unit.

Current Research/Policy areas of interest:

  • EU Policies on Energy Performing and Healthy Buildings (focus: development and integration of indoor environmental quality indicators in the EU Buildings Observatory)
  • Data, Information and Knowledge Production and Management in the areas of Chemicals, Environment and Health
  • Exposure and Risk Assessment (methods, guidelines and tools)

Project coordination role:

  • European Commission’s Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring data (IPCHEM) Thematic Module IV “Products & Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Data”
  • DG ENER – DG JRC Tasks 13.3 and 7.3 on Energy Efficient and Healthy Buildings in the EU
  • European Collaborative Action (ECA) on “Urban Air, Indoor Environment and Human Exposure
  • Development of the harmonization frameworks for indoor material emissions labelling schemes, the indoor air monitoring and the health based evaluation of the indoor product emissions in the EU (PILOT INDOOR AIR MONIT & EU-LCI projects)
  • Common Noise Assessment Methods in Europe project (CNOSSOS-EU)

Project conception/implementation role:

  • WHO funded projects (IAQ Guidelines, Community Noise and Night-time Noise Guidelines)

Membership in international expert groups:

  • Member of various EC Inter-service groups on environment and health (DG RTD’s EU Policy Board; DG SANCO’s Indoor Air Expert Group; DG EMPL’s Steering group on risks from hazardous chemicals in occupational environments; DG ENV’s Steering Group on the Evaluation of the Environmental Noise Directive)
  • WHO Review Panel of Environmental Noise Guidelines for EU
  • Nominated member of the OQAI (Observaroire de la Qualité d’Air Intérieur) Scientific Council by French Ministère du logement et de l’habitat durable
  • Member of OECD Working Party Exposure Assessment
  • Chairman of ISES-Europe Working Group ‘Data Repositories & Analytics’

Scientific and Policy Support Productivity Records:

  • Contributions to EC work program & staff working documents, strategy papers, high level events, impact assessments, ad-hoc & experts groups of European Parliament, WHO, EEA, OECD, IEA, CEFIC & CEN
  • Contributions to scientific and policy support projects (administrative arrangements, competitive projects, international joint ventures: reports, presentations, newsletters, call for tenders)
  • Contributions to EC and EU Task Forces, Inter-Service Groups, Evaluation Committees and PhD Examination Boards
  • Co-organiser/Co-chairman in numerous international Conferences and Workshops
  • Co-authored more than 160 papers, 80 of them have been published in peer-reviewed literature.
Joeri Rogelj

Joeri Rogelj

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Joeri Rogelj is Professor of Climate Science and Policy at Imperial College London. He explores how societies can become more sustainable and tackle climate change. He has written articles on 1.5°C pathways, carbon budgets, net zero targets, and climate agreements such as the Paris Agreement. He regularly serves as an author on reports of the United Nations and advises the European Union on climate science issues.

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