We are pleased to announce a major milestone for the IDEAL Cluster and its projects (K-HEALHTinAIR, SynAir-G, LEARN, TwinAIR, InChildHealth, INQUIRE, EDIAQI).

The European Commission has highlighted the IDEAL Cluster and its associated projects as one of the most relevant research initiatives in the field of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). This acknowledgment comes as part of a recent Staff Working Document published by the European Commission, which focuses on the critical importance of improving air quality within indoor environments across Europe.

This recognition strengthens our commitment to innovation and research in IAQ, helping to improve air quality and health in indoor environments.

The IDEAL Cluster aims at understanding and improving IAQ, a growing concern in today’s world where people spend the majority of their time indoors, whether at home, in offices, schools, or other enclosed environments. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to numerous health issues, including respiratory problems, allergies, and more severe long-term conditions. The European Commission’s recognition of our efforts underlines the vital role that IAQ plays in public health, and the necessity of innovative solutions to tackle this challenge.

Looking ahead, the IDEAL Cluster will continue to explore new frontiers in IAQ research, working to enhance the effectiveness of ventilation systems, develop innovative air purification methods, and promote healthier indoor environments. We aim to strengthen our collaborations with key stakeholders, from policymakers and scientists to industry and civil society, to ensure that our research has a lasting and meaningful impact.

Stay tuned for more updates and news about the Cluster and our projects as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the field of IAQ.