Air quality is a central topic of several ongoing Horizon Europe projects. This workshop is organised by EU project AeroSolfd and co-chaired by the EU project K-HEALTHinAiR of the IDEAL cluster. The common goal is to initiate the knowledge exchange and discussion...
The EDIAQI project is a proud member of the IDEAL cluster projects, a Horizon Europe group of projects under the same call, with the collective aim to advance knowledge, technologies, and strategies for improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and its impact on health. A...
In Europe, people spend most of their time in indoor environments. Although better outdoor air quality leads to general improvements in indoor air quality, certain sources of air pollution not covered by ambient (outdoor) air quality standards can dominate some indoor...
On the 6th of July 2023, the SynAir-G Coordinator was invited as a speaker to represent the IDEAL Cluster at the 7th WHO Ministerial Conference on Health and Environment in Budapest. Prof. Nikos Papadopoulos presented the relevant role of the cluster in raising...
The Digital Health Society Summit 2023 session “Refining the connections: Advancing evidence on the linkages between environment, health and data” dived into the relationships between the environment and human health, focusing on the role of...
Episode 1: Indoor air quality in schools: impact on childrenwellbeing and role of research in Europe The first SynAir-G workshop on ‘Indoor air quality in schools: impact on children wellbeing and role of research in Europe’ took place on the 9th of October in...