An annual meeting will be foreseen each year to promote, and diseminate all the results achieved among the partners of the IDEAL cluster.

IDEAL Cluster Annual General Meeting in Helsinki
KHEALTHinAIR EU Project, SynAir-G, LEARN Project, TWINAIR, InChildHealth, INQUIRE and EDIAQI EU are reunited at the IDEAL Cluster Annual General Meeting, hosted by InChildHealth at Aalto University in Helsinki (15 – 16 May 2024). Projects representatives and EC...

2022 – IDEAL Cluster Launch Meeting
The IDEAL (Indoor Air Pollution and Health) Cluster is a task force promoted by the European Commission to optimize synergies, avoid overlaps and increase the impact of the projects selected for funding under the call HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-02. The cluster is...