The LEARN project has produced a board game titled ‘Clean air in school! Play & LEARN’, for children to learn about indoor air quality in schools and strategies to improve it, collaboratively and playfully.

The game is available in four different languages, including English, Danish, Dutch, and Greek, and targets school children aged 9-12. After playing it, children will learn about the main air pollutants present in the classroom, the potentially damaging effects of these air pollutants on their health and cognition, and some mitigation measures that can be implemented to prevent those damages.

The game was developed jointly by VUB and FI Group, communication and dissemination leaders of the LEARN project, with the support of KU Leuven and MANN+HUMMEL thanks to their expertise on air pollutants and remediation strategies. It is currently being used by Hasselt UniversityAarhus University, and ENVIROMETRICS in the LEARN project’s cohorts to evaluate indoor air quality in schools in Belgium, Denmark, and Greece. Moreover, all partners own some copies for further distribution at events.

Learn more about the board game and
discover how to get a physical or a digital copy!